Daiva’s Studio Hair Method Statement

The Salons will now be operating in a different way due to Covid-19, so care should be taken to understand the new Method and system of work. All bookings to be on line or by phone.

The front door is to kept locked and the entrance and exist of all client is to be managed by their personal Stylist at all times.

There should be no queuing at the front of the Salon as the Client will of be contacted 24hrs prior to their appointment to confirm their appointment time, confirm their health and to ask them to pay a deposit.

The door will be answered by the clients personal stylist and they will be shown at a distance where to wait, the client will hang their own coat and sanitize their hands, if they wish to take their phone or a book etc to the recently cleaned and sanitised  work station they will need to wipe over with Antibacterial spray supplied on the sanitizer station. At this point the Stylist should ask the client about their health 4 important questions.

  • Have you had a cough?
  • Have you had a fever?
  • Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the last 14 days?
  • Are you living with anybody who is sick or quarantined?

A temperature check can be taken if the client looks or sounds unwell with the clients permission but not recorded.

They will open their issued bag of a surgical style mask and washable gown and put on before being lead to the Stylists workstation. The client will be able to place per personal possessions on a tissue placed for there us on the work station. The client must complete the allergy form on the Salon laptop confirming their contact details. if they have not previously completed. Their personnel stylist who will be wearing the required PPE will then start the consultation. When the consultation is completed the stylist will take their cleaned tools from their box to complete the service.

During the service we are no longer able to offer the client beverages except water in disposable glasses. The stylist can only work with one client at a time and should there opinion be required by a colleague social distancing must be maintained at all times.

When the service is has finished the PDQ machine will be taken to the client wiped over for a card payment only then cleaned again and put back.

The client will be asked to remove there PPE into the original bag and left at the work station for disposal by the stylist once the client has left the Salon.

The Stylist workstation, mirror, chair, hairdryers and trimmers will need to be cleaned with antibacterial cleaner and any other areas the client may have contacted, etc toilet or door handles touched. The back wash will need to be cleaned down using antibacterial spray including the seating and arm rests. The stylists tools will need to cleaned and placed in the Barbicide cleaner. The clients used gown will be washed at 60 degrees before being reused.

The stylist must remove and dispose of their PPE with each client. Glasses can be sprayed and cleaned.

The stylist can bring food into the Salon for storage in the refrigerator but must not consume food or drinks in the Salon except water.

All staff are to work within this method statement and are to have read this in conjunction with the Risk Assessment and complete the weekly screening document.